
SHURE DIS BM6620 Boundary Microphones

low-profile omnidirectional condenser boundary microphone to fit into the flush mounted conference units in the DIS DCS 6000 Digital Conference System product portfolio





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Product Description

SHURE DIS BM6620 Boundary Microphones

low-profile omnidirectional condenser boundary microphone to fit into the flush mounted conference units in the DIS DCS 6000 Digital Conference System product portfolio

The BM 6620 is a low-profile omnidirectional condenser boundary microphone designed to fit into the flush mounted conference units in the DIS DCS 6000 Digital Conference System product portfolio.

The boundary microphone is suited for applications where the microphone has to be less visible compared to traditional conference microphones.

The BM 6620 is designed for clear, highly intelligible sound reinforcement, professional recording and teleconferencing. It features an RF shield that protects the microphone from RF interference.

The BM 6620 is available for retrofit in the standard flush mounted units FC 602xF and FD 612xF by replacing the XLR socket with the boundary microphone in the plastic adaptor. The molex mini connector fi ts with the microphone connector on the PCB. It can also be ordered (customised) for other FC/FD and FC/FD 6xxxF units and delivered mounted in the units.


• Omnidirectional  condenser  boundary  microphone  with  360º pickup angle
• Low-profi le microphone capsule
• High-quality sound reinforcemen
• RF Resistant
• Isolators for providing mechanical dampening of mouting-surface vibration
• Standard fitting for FC 602xF and FD 612xF
• Custom fitting for all DIS DCS 6000 flush mounted units

โทร. : 02-2031821 , 02-6414744
สายด่วน : 095-9265276 , 086-3114142

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